Index of calibre plugins

Download counts for all plugins


Checks the accessibility of EPUB files with ACE.

Download plugin ↓ [3832 total downloads]


Downloads metadata en covers van Anobii

Download plugin ↓ [2061 total downloads]

APNX Generator

Generate Amazon APNX page number file

Download plugin ↓ [1966 total downloads]

Access Aide

Enhance accessibility features in EPUB files.

Download plugin ↓ [2240 total downloads]

Action Chains

Automate calibre by chaining actions together and running them through a menu or a keybaord shortcut. Choose from calibre actions, your own custom actions, or from plugin builtins. Run chains automatically in response to events. Includes a Formulas action to do calculations on multiple rows.

Download plugin ↓ [1595 total downloads]

Handla böcker, skönlitteratur och facklitteratur hos Adlibris bokhandel. Priserna ligger lägst på marknaden vilket har noterats i ett flertal test i media.

Download plugin ↓ [1406 total downloads] Multiple Countries

Downloads metadata and covers from an alternative Amazon country portal. Works in tandem with the builtin plugin to enable downloading from multiple Amazon domains

Download plugin ↓ [3888 total downloads]


Import annotations

Download plugin ↓ [4869 total downloads]

Anobii Fetcher

Get the metadata of book from

Download plugin ↓ [1638 total downloads]


Downloads metadata and cover from

Download plugin ↓ [1596 total downloads]

Audio M3U

Audiobook support based on M3U files

Download plugin ↓ [823 total downloads]


Plugin for obtain the duration of audio files

Download plugin ↓ [1540 total downloads]

Audit Log

Undo/Reverse most metadata deletes and updates weeks later for selected books and log entries. Creates a log entry for every addition, change or delete for most Calibre standard metadata columns, and for all custom metadata columns.

Download plugin ↓ [1489 total downloads]

Author Book Count

Updates a custom column for the total number of books written by each author for every book in your library. It has functionality that standard Calibre does not provide, especially the ability to search using queries constructed with integers. Example: ((#abc_numeric:">6") and (#abc_numeric:"<47")). Its ABC column in the Tag Browser has full functionality based specifically on ABC.

Download plugin ↓ [2177 total downloads]

Author Book Count Hierarchy

Creates a Hierarchy of Author Book Counts designed for perusing complex Co-Author relationships, not just simple ABC counts for a single Author.

Download plugin ↓ [1720 total downloads]

BBC GoodFood Recipe Reader

Converts BBC GoodFood recipes to ebooks

Download plugin ↓ [1690 total downloads]


Downloads metadata en covers van or from

Download plugin ↓ [1770 total downloads]


Downloads metadata and covers from

Download plugin ↓ [873 total downloads]


Downloads metadata and covers from Baen

Download plugin ↓ [801 total downloads]

Barnes & Noble

Downloads metadata and covers from Barnes & Noble

Download plugin ↓ [3021 total downloads]

Beam Ebooks

Downloads Metadata and covers from Beam Ebooks

Download plugin ↓ [1624 total downloads]

Pobiera metadane z serwisu

Download plugin ↓ [1158 total downloads]


Downloads metadata and covers from

Download plugin ↓ [1248 total downloads]

BigOven Recipe Reader

Converts recipes to ebooks

Download plugin ↓ [1199 total downloads]

Köp e-böcker i Sveriges e-bokhandel

Download plugin ↓ [962 total downloads]


Handla böcker online - billigt, snabbt & enkelt!

Download plugin ↓ [980 total downloads]

BookFusion Plugin

Provides synchronization of your eBooks and metadata from Calibre to your devices via the BookFusion iOS, Android & Web reader.

Download plugin ↓ [1563 total downloads]

Bulk img resizer

Resize all images and keep them under specified resolution

Download plugin ↓ [11 total downloads]

Nordens största varuhus

Download plugin ↓ [956 total downloads]


Light GUI for browsing, viewing, searching using VLs and many other search tools, and using many libraries simultaneously by multiple users without running the Calibre GUI itself.

Download plugin ↓ [1977 total downloads]

Category Tags

Tag authors, publishers, sereis and other items

Download plugin ↓ [1369 total downloads]

Check Books

Check your books with ACE and EPUBCheck

Download plugin ↓ [3602 total downloads]

Clean Comments

Remove html format in comments

Download plugin ↓ [1208 total downloads]

Clean Metadata

Cleans up the meatadata of books in your library, like titke, authors, series and so on

Download plugin ↓ [2212 total downloads]

Clipboard Search

Execute a Calibre search using text currently on the clipboard

Download plugin ↓ [2629 total downloads]


Downloads metadata and covers from Comicvine

Download plugin ↓ [963 total downloads]

Comments Cleaner

Remove the scraps CSS in HTML comments

Download plugin ↓ [1067 total downloads]

Consolidate All Library Metadata

Consolidate a Snapshot of All Metadata, including Custom Columns, from All of the Books in All of your Libraries for Review, Analysis and Custom Column Standardization using Powerful Tools; Perform Centralized Library Custom Column Metadata Maintenance.

Download plugin ↓ [1994 total downloads]

Copy Cover To Device

Copy cover(s) to device to use as Standby/PowerOff image(s)

Download plugin ↓ [1578 total downloads]

Count Pages

Count number of pages/words in an ePub/Mobi to store in custom columns

Download plugin ↓ [5127 total downloads]


Convert raster-based document files (Postscript, PDF) to DJVU with GUI button and on-import

Download plugin ↓ [1636 total downloads]

DOC Input

Convert DOC files via docx to HTML

Download plugin ↓ [1705 total downloads]

Downloads metadata and covers from databazeknih.

Download plugin ↓ [494 total downloads]


ACSM Input Plugin - Takes an Adobe ACSM file and converts that into a useable EPUB or PDF file. Python reimplementation of libgourou by Grégory Soutadé

Download plugin ↓ [4419 total downloads]


Downloads metadata from the DNB (Deutsche National Bibliothek).

Download plugin ↓ [1160 total downloads]

Diaps Editing Toolbag

Various tools for ebook editing.

Download plugin ↓ [1464 total downloads]

Douban Books

Downloads metadata and covers from Useful only for Chinese language books.

Download plugin ↓ [2027 total downloads]

Drop Search Results

Drag-and-Drop Search Results from most search software (e.g. 'Agent Ransack', 'X1', Windows Search) into Calibre so that the books that were found can be automatically marked and displayed.

Download plugin ↓ [1066 total downloads]

Ebook Translator

A Calibre plugin to translate ebook into a specified language (optionally keeping the original content).

Download plugin ↓ [1573 total downloads]

Editor Chains

Automate various tasks in Calibre's ebook editor. Plugin allows to chain multiple actions together. You can choose from Plugin specific actions, calibre builtin actions, or create you own actions through the plugin's module editor.

Download plugin ↓ [611 total downloads]

Embed Comic Metadata

Embeds calibre metadata into comic archives and imports metadata from comic archives into calibre.

Download plugin ↓ [1756 total downloads]

English Noun Frequency

Determine 'English Noun Frequencies' for words in a particular book's text, and optionally: 1) Add frequences for the chosen number of frequent nouns to the book's Comments; 2) Create new Tags using the chosen number of frequent nouns for Tags; 3) Update a Custom Column with the chosen number of frequent nouns for a Custom Column.; 4) Update nothing but log the frequent nouns using the number chosen for Comments; 5) Translate the English Comments to another language, showing both; 6) Accumulate the Top 100 English Nouns with frequency counts across all of your books and all of you libraries.

Download plugin ↓ [1479 total downloads]

Entities Manager

Associate Calibre Entities to Links, Notes, and other Entities, plus other information independent of any particular book.

Download plugin ↓ [1141 total downloads]

Epub Metaguider post processor (

Works on post conversion/import and converts epub files to a metaguided format, improving your focus and reading speed (sometimes called bionic reading).

Download plugin ↓ [362 total downloads]

Epub Metaguider GUI (

Adds a button to toolbar and context menu, to convert epub files to a metaguided format, improving your focus and reading speed (sometimes called bionic reading).

Download plugin ↓ [388 total downloads]

Epub Metaguider output format (

Adds additional options to Epub Output conversion, enabling epub files conversion to a metaguided format, improving your focus and reading speed (sometimes called bionic reading).

Download plugin ↓ [330 total downloads]


A simple EpubCheck 4.2.6 wrapper.

Download plugin ↓ [3871 total downloads]


UI plugin to concatenate multiple epubs into one.

Download plugin ↓ [5982 total downloads]


UI plugin to split off parts of an epub into a new book.

Download plugin ↓ [5664 total downloads]


Get metadata information from Evrit.

Download plugin ↓ [475 total downloads]

Ex Libris

Add a nice ex libris to your EPUB eBook

Download plugin ↓ [1245 total downloads]

Extract ISBN

Extracts the ISBN from the text content of a book format if available

Download plugin ↓ [2459 total downloads]

Extract People Other Metadata

Extract People & Other Metadata from EPUBs then Update in Custom Columns

Download plugin ↓ [703 total downloads]

Extract RIS Citations

Extract a Citation from RIS tags then update the new book's bibliographic metadata.

Download plugin ↓ [999 total downloads]


UI plugin to download FanFiction stories from various sites.

Download plugin ↓ [4378 total downloads]

Fantastic Fiction

Downloads metadata and covers from

Download plugin ↓ [1668 total downloads]

Fantastic Fiction Adults

Downloads metadata and covers from

Download plugin ↓ [1208 total downloads]

Favourites Menu

Create a customised toolbar menu button for features from other plugins or calibre menus to save screen space

Download plugin ↓ [1369 total downloads]


Downloads metadata and covers from

Download plugin ↓ [1444 total downloads]

Find Duplicates

Find possible duplicate books based on their metadata

Download plugin ↓ [7242 total downloads]

food network Recipe Reader

Converts recipes to ebooks

Download plugin ↓ [1173 total downloads]

Generate Cover

Generate covers in Calibre with appearance options

Download plugin ↓ [2440 total downloads]


Store the filename of the imported book in a custom column

Download plugin ↓ [1315 total downloads]


Downloads metadata and covers from Goodreads

Download plugin ↓ [5355 total downloads]

Goodreads More Tags

Scrape more tags from Goodreads

Download plugin ↓ [1780 total downloads]

Goodreads Sync

Sync from Calibre with the shelves of your account

Download plugin ↓ [2100 total downloads]

Highlights to Obsidian

Automatically send highlights from calibre to

Download plugin ↓ [536 total downloads]

Hymn Reader

Converts Hymnwiki hymns to ebooks

Download plugin ↓ [846 total downloads]

Hyphenate This!

Hyphenate books for readers supporting soft hyphens.

Download plugin ↓ [1532 total downloads]


Downloads metadata and covers from ISFDB (

Download plugin ↓ [724 total downloads]


Get book details from book page in a separate thread

Download plugin ↓ [896 total downloads]

Import List

Import lists of books from clipboard, CSV or web

Download plugin ↓ [1597 total downloads]

Job Spy

JS+: Big Tool Box of 80 unique functions to make Calibre better.

Download plugin ↓ [2697 total downloads]

K2pdfopt Plugin

Optimizes PDFs for viewing on small screens like ereaders

Download plugin ↓ [471 total downloads]

KFX Input

Convert from Amazon KFX format

Download plugin ↓ [60312 total downloads]

KFX Output

Download plugin ↓ [26275 total downloads]

KOReader Sync

Get metadata from a connected KOReader device

Download plugin ↓ [1037 total downloads]

KePub Input

Convert KEPUB files (.kepub) to HTML

Download plugin ↓ [2304 total downloads]

KePub Metadata Reader

Read metadata from Kobo KePub files

Download plugin ↓ [2236 total downloads]

KePub Metadata Writer

Set metadata in Kobo KePub files

Download plugin ↓ [2048 total downloads]

KePub Output

Download plugin ↓ [5657 total downloads]

Kindle Collections

Manage Kindle collections and settings using Calibre

Download plugin ↓ [7559 total downloads]

Kindle hi-res covers

Downloads high resolution covers for Kindle editions from Amazon

Download plugin ↓ [5040 total downloads]

KindleUnpack - The Plugin

Unpacks a Kindle Book/MOBI into its source components.

Download plugin ↓ [8043 total downloads]


Downloads metadata and covers from

Download plugin ↓ [571 total downloads]

Kobo Books

Downloads metadata and covers from

Download plugin ↓ [3155 total downloads]

Kobo Metadata

Downloads metadata and covers from Kobo

Download plugin ↓ [733 total downloads]

Kobo Utilities

Utilities to use with Kobo ereaders

Download plugin ↓ [5389 total downloads]


ePub features.

Download plugin ↓ [4189 total downloads]

KyBook3 Sync

Syncs books and metadata to KyBook3

Download plugin ↓ [623 total downloads]

LCPL Input

Downloads LCP-encrypted books from a LCPL license file. Note: This does not remove the LCP DRM.

Download plugin ↓ [2631 total downloads]

Language Cleaner

Replace naughty or offensive language with something more acceptable (to me at least)

Download plugin ↓ [879 total downloads]


A simple LanguageTool wrapper.

Download plugin ↓ [1082 total downloads]

Last Modified

Update a custom date column(s) based on events like book metadata changes, formats changes .... etc

Download plugin ↓ [753 total downloads]


Downloads metadata and covers from (only books in Czech, mainly sci-fi and fantasy)

Download plugin ↓ [46 total downloads]

Library Codes - SRU

Derive Library of Congress Codes, Dewey Decimal Codes, and/or OCLC-OWI plus Other Identifiers for Selected Books Using ISBN or ISSN.

Download plugin ↓ [11 total downloads]

Library Splitter

Front-end to Calibre's Copy/Move Book functions. Automatically copies or moves books from the current library to a target library based on each book's metadata value in a '#target_library' Custom Column.

Download plugin ↓ [1063 total downloads]

LibraryThing Match

Compare your LibraryThing library with your calibre e-books.

Download plugin ↓ [662 total downloads]


Downloads metadata and cover from

Download plugin ↓ [1071 total downloads]


Download book metadata and covers from

Download plugin ↓ [1085 total downloads]

Manage Series

A GUI for manipulating selected books into a series

Download plugin ↓ [1876 total downloads]

Manage Sony x50 Reader Book List

Manage the Sony x50 Reader book lists explicitly or based on metadata criteria.

Download plugin ↓ [927 total downloads]

Markdown Output

Download plugin ↓ [1011 total downloads]

Downloads metadata and covers from

Download plugin ↓ [1081 total downloads]

Mass Search-Replace

Easily apply a list of multiple saved Find and Replace operations to your books metadata

Download plugin ↓ [1075 total downloads]

Media File Importer

Drag media file paths and Drop them to automatically create new books within Calibre having dynamically created metadata, plus a copy of the original media file placed into the same directory as the new book. For use in a Workbench/Intake Library only.

Download plugin ↓ [1192 total downloads]

Medical Reader

Converts medpedia pages to ebooks

Download plugin ↓ [915 total downloads]

Medion OYO Device Interface

Communicate with the Medion OYO

Download plugin ↓ [851 total downloads]

Modify ePub

Apply cleanup tasks and updates to an ePub without doing a conversion

Download plugin ↓ [3848 total downloads]


Downloads metadata and covers from

Download plugin ↓ [1259 total downloads]


Advanced Search Tools: Inter-Book; Intra-Book; Cross-Library; Full-Text; Word-Book Index Search; Native SQL Queries; Cross-Library Duplicate Books per Custom Columns; and more.

Download plugin ↓ [1818 total downloads]

NASA STI Repository

Download metadata from NASA STI Repository.

Download plugin ↓ [217 total downloads]

OPML Importer

Imports an OPML file into recipes

Download plugin ↓ [1092 total downloads]

Open With

Open format or cover of book in a specified external application

Download plugin ↓ [1425 total downloads]

OverDrive Libby

Import loans from your OverDrive Libby account

Download plugin ↓ [592 total downloads]

Overdrive Link

Links books in calibre to ebook lending libraries

Download plugin ↓ [1439 total downloads]

PDF Cover

A Plugin that Prepends a Cover Image to the beginning of a PDF

Download plugin ↓ [387 total downloads]


Downloads metadata and covers from Perrypedia (

Download plugin ↓ [893 total downloads]

PocketBook Improved Device Interface

Communicate with PocketBook readers

Download plugin ↓ [713 total downloads]

Pocketbook Tools

Tools for Pocketbook e-readers.

Download plugin ↓ [940 total downloads]

Calibre Power Search Plugin

Enables Full-text Search

Download plugin ↓ [1647 total downloads]

Prettify Cover

Scale book-covers proportional to the size of e-readers screen.

Download plugin ↓ [1541 total downloads]

Prince PDF

Converts to PDF using the Prince software (third-party)

Download plugin ↓ [1652 total downloads]


Downloads metadata and covers from

Download plugin ↓ [947 total downloads]

QRCode Tracker Filidel

Inserts a generated QR code image at the end of every chapter, to help tracking reading progress.

Download plugin ↓ [1010 total downloads]

Quality Check

Query your library for poor quality covers or invalid metadata

Download plugin ↓ [4466 total downloads]


[For Advanced Calibre Users Only: Must Download Special Database From] Clean Malformed, Misplaced or Missing Author, Title, Series, Index, ISBN; Tag Scrubber, Deriver, Propagator, Defaulter & Minimizer; Series Deriver & Consolidator; Series & Index Validator/Corrector; Genre Deriver; LCC & DDC Deriver; Book Awards; & Much More

Download plugin ↓ [1452 total downloads]

Quick Preferences

Allows quickly changing common preferences via a toolbar menu or shortcuts

Download plugin ↓ [1158 total downloads]

Read Audiobooks metadata

Read metadata from m4b,m4a files, perhaps more in future...

Download plugin ↓ [7 total downloads]

Read MP3 AudioBook metadata

Reads metadata from an MP3, M4B, AA and F4B AudioBook file, or M3U playlist. Uses eyeD3-0.6.17j; mp4file-0.2j; pyaudibletags-1.0.1; flvlib-0.1.12 for parsing files.

Download plugin ↓ [2823 total downloads]

Reading Goal

Manage your annual reading goal

Download plugin ↓ [607 total downloads]

Reading List

Define orderable lists of books and synchronise to devices/folders

Download plugin ↓ [2683 total downloads]

Recipe Reader

Converts recipes to ebooks

Download plugin ↓ [1016 total downloads]

Recoll Full Text Search

A plugin to do a full text search with recoll

Download plugin ↓ [1478 total downloads]

Reformat plugin

Simplifies structure and corrects format of EPUB files

Download plugin ↓ [1355 total downloads]

Resize Cover

Resize cover images to one of your own predefined size(s)

Download plugin ↓ [2519 total downloads]


Downloads metadata and covers from the science fiction loan book database (

Download plugin ↓ [761 total downloads]

Save Composite Custom Columns

Store values of columns "built from other columns" for use by apps that read the calibre database, for example Calibre Companion

Download plugin ↓ [1189 total downloads]

Save To Format

Save books to particular format with auto conversion

Download plugin ↓ [1641 total downloads]

Save Virtual Libraries To Column

Save the names of the virtual libraries containing a book in a tags-like custom column

Download plugin ↓ [1206 total downloads]

Save Virtual Libraries To Column GUI

For each book in the library, compute the list of virtual libraries containing that book then save that list to a custom column

Download plugin ↓ [1010 total downloads]


Create a copyright-safe scrambled copy of an ebook for debugging purposes

Download plugin ↓ [1186 total downloads]

Scroll Book Details

Use spacebar (or any configured keyboard shortcut) to scroll info in book details panel.

Download plugin ↓ [831 total downloads]

Search The Internet

Search various websites for the selected books

Download plugin ↓ [2260 total downloads]

Send by RSYNC

Send book(s) by SSH/RSH

Download plugin ↓ [968 total downloads]

Similar Stories

Find stories similar to first selected book using full text information and store similarity score in a custom column

Download plugin ↓ [1218 total downloads]

Skoob Books

Downloads metadata and covers from Skoob

Download plugin ↓ [1300 total downloads]

Skoob Sync

Sync calibre library with Skoob

Download plugin ↓ [1091 total downloads]


UI plugin to Check for Duplicate/Missing/Added Books when Ejecting Devices.

Download plugin ↓ [1283 total downloads]

Smashwords Metadata

Downloads metadata and covers from Smashwords

Download plugin ↓ [1415 total downloads]

Sony PRS-T1 notes plugin

Manages notes (handwriting) of your Sony PRS-T1 device

Download plugin ↓ [960 total downloads]

Auto Datestamp and View

Add a date stamp and view current book

Download plugin ↓ [1129 total downloads]

Standard Ebooks

Free and liberated ebooks, carefully produced for the true book lover.

Download plugin ↓ [1352 total downloads]

TTS to MP3

Create MP3 audiobook using MSWindows Text-to-Speech [EPUB, AZW3, KEPUB]

Download plugin ↓ [4629 total downloads]


A Calibre GUI plugin to find text differences in two book formats.

Download plugin ↓ [703 total downloads]

Chinese Text Conversion

A plugin to convert traditional and simplified Chinese text

Download plugin ↓ [2555 total downloads]


Enables "unplugged mode", where new devices are not detected

Download plugin ↓ [1032 total downloads]

User Category

Add or remove to user categories based on the selected book(s)

Download plugin ↓ [1208 total downloads]

View Manager

Define your own sets of column views with sort orders

Download plugin ↓ [1510 total downloads]

Walk Search History

Enables a goto previous/next shortcut for your search history

Download plugin ↓ [1205 total downloads]

Wiki Reader

Converts wiki pages to ebooks

Download plugin ↓ [2122 total downloads]


Downloads metadata and covers via wikidata

Download plugin ↓ [1687 total downloads]

Wikidata gui

Advanced wikidata metadata manager

Download plugin ↓ [1439 total downloads]


Create Kindle Word Wise and X-Ray file and EPUB footnotes then send to e-reader.

Download plugin ↓ [2577 total downloads]

X-Ray Creator

A plugin to create X-Ray files for Kindle books

Download plugin ↓ [1543 total downloads]

Zotero Metadata Importer

Add Zotero documents and files plus their metadata to Calibre as books using the normal .csv file exported by Zotero. Compare items in Zotero to books in Calibre. Export an RIS file with Calibre books and their metadata for import into Zotero.

Download plugin ↓ [1662 total downloads]

all recipes Recipe Reader

Converts recipes to ebooks

Download plugin ↓ [1243 total downloads]


Downloads metadata en covers van

Download plugin ↓ [1098 total downloads]

ePub Extended Metadata

Read and write a wider range of metadata for ePub's files and associating them to columns in your libraries.

Download plugin ↓ [968 total downloads]

noosfere DB

Source extention: downloads and sets metadata from for selected volumes

Download plugin ↓ [611 total downloads]


Downloads metadata and covers from

Download plugin ↓ [359 total downloads]